Dealing With Toenail Fungus Decisively – Viva Nutra

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Dealing With Toenail Fungus Decisively

Understanding Toenail Fungus Infections

Toenail fungus infection is a condition that affects the toenail and surrounding tissue. It causes the toenail to change color, thicken, or even crumble. Fungal infections are difficult to treat and it is easier to manage than to cure them. Types of toenail fungus treatment options include home remedies, surgery, use of supplements, topical and oral medications. If not treated or managed, irreversible damage can occur to the nail including loss of the nail. Understanding toenail fungus treatment methods is the first step in dealing with the infection.

Causes of Toenail Fungus Infections

A toenail infection is also referred to as Onychomycosis. It is caused by microscopic organisms. In most cases they are fungus. They love moisture and warmth. Fungal spores can be picked in many ways such as feet exposed in areas where the fungus may be prevalent and by wearing shoes that are infected by the fungus, Infection can also occur through an injury to the toe and also by wearing improperly fitting shoes. The infection occurs when the fungus digs deep, invading both the nail bed and the nail tissue. The infected toenail will change color to yellow, white, black, or green. The infection normally starts at the base of the nail and raises it. The toenail may also appear thickened and brittle. It will however continue growing even though the deformity may be permanent. In severe cases, the toenail may break off.

Non-fungal Toe Nail Infections

Fungal infections form up to half of all toenail infections. Other causes of toe infections that are less common include ingrown toenails, bacterial infections, and skin cancer which is commonly known as melanoma. Psoriasis is also a condition that can cause skin and toenail disorder. The condition causes the skin and nail cells to multiply abnormally. Nails can also change color and breakdown as a person advances in age. The nails become thick and curl upwards. This is a normal condition that does not require medication. Treating a suspected toenail fungal infection at home is not recommended. This is because it is easy to misdiagnose the real cause of the problem. The wrong treatment can cause the infection to worsen over time. It is a good idea to see a doctor to have the nails checked and to identify the most appropriate toenail fungus treatment. Working with a doctor also identifies the strain of fungus causing the infection. A laboratory test is almost always indicated to give an accurate diagnosis.

Personal Nail Care

It is also good to trim toenails with a file across to minimize abrasion with the ends of the shoes. The toenails should then be smoothed with a file. Disinfect the clippers after use. These personal nail care habits can prevent potential infections. Infections can further be prevented by washing feet regularly and drying them properly. It is important to wear appropriate dry socks such as cotton or acrylic socks to effectively control feet perspiration. Shoes that have been exposed to fungus should be discarded or treated with disinfectants. For fungus to infect a toenail, it needs an opportunity. Trauma to the nail allows the fungus to enter. Such trauma can be caused by tight-fitting shoes. It is good to wear well-fitting shoes.

<h2style="font-size:30px">Toe Nail Fungus Prevention and Care It is vital to avoid exposure to the fungus. Fungus thrives in warm and damp places such as pools, gyms, and club showers. It is good to avoid walking barefoot in such places. Individuals should also keep cuts and injuries properly cared for and covered to prevent and easy entry for the fungus. It is crucial to use a nail salon or barber that utilizes sterilized pedicure tools for each customer. The fungus can be easily transmitted using shared tools. Daily application of anti-fungus powder can help to prevent fungus infection. The powder also helps to keep the feet and toenails dry. The powder should be used after every shower. Understanding the disease and having all the relevant information will also be helpful.

Types of Toenail fungus Treatments

Treatment of a fungal infection depends on the severity of the infection and the type of fungus causing it. There are many kinds of treatment. They vary in their mode of administration and also their mode of treatment and action. Toenail fungal infections require aggressive treatment that can penetrate the nail.

Home remedies. Several home remedies that have been recommended for home fungal infection treatment. These home remedies lack rigorous testing and their effectiveness may not be deemed to be conclusive.

Topical treatments. Topical treatments come in the form of powder and creams. These are normally ineffective in treating toenail fungus since they rarely penetrate the nails. The topical treatments also tend to target only certain types of fungi and are less able to control drug-resistant strains. Well-developed infections also do not respond to topical treatments normally.

Over-the-counter treatments. There are numerous over-the-counter topical fungal treatments on offer. Most promise more than they deliver. These treatments are not effective on thick nails or in advanced cases of fungal infections.

Oral treatments. Oral treatments are more effective than topical treatments since they can reach the base of the nail. They however have various limitations. They are not suitable for everyone because of their higher cost and are not guaranteed to work. Some people have an aversion to pills and oral treatments may not work for them. Treatment by oral pills lasts a long time. In most cases, the fungus reoccurs after some time. Some oral treatments have severe side effects such as liver damage.

Surgery. Severe and recurrent toenail infections can be surgically removed. The nail grows back slowly. After the procedure. It can take up to 18 months for the nail to grow. Some surgical procedures used such as the use of lasers are still under research. Their efficiency in permanently eliminating fungus is not conclusive yet. In severe cases, the surgical procedure can destroy the nail matrix and the nail may not grow back. The surgery option is also expensive.

Supplements. Oral, topical, and over-the-counter toenail fungus treatments try to treat the fungus infection and its symptoms. They do not however treat the reason why the fungus developed in the first place. Supplements can treat and eliminate the root cause of toenail fungus, even if the infection has been there for years. One such supplement that has proved to be effective is the Restoration Toenail Fungus Treatment supplement manufactured by Vivanutra. The supplement is an intensive toenail renewal feet fungus treatment. Its advantages include:

1) It enhances body immunity by balancing the bacterial population balance in the gut. Bacteria in the human gut plays an important role in supporting immunity and defense against fungus. The supplement comes in the form of a capsule encapsulating cultures and bacteria to help restore the optimal organism balance in the gut.


2) The supplement works well with other medications. The guideline by the manufacturer indicates that the best results are achieved by combining the supplement with an appropriate topical fungus treatment.


3)The supplement works from inside the body. In this way, the fight against the fungi is more effective. The treatment targets both fingernail and toenail infections.


4) The supplement adheres to FDA standards and is therefore free from contamination.


5) The supplement restores the toenail to a clear, beautiful healthy state.


6) Taking the supplement as required eliminates the fungus thus rendering the body fungus free. This eliminates the risk of recurrence which is common with the traditional treatments.


7) The cost of the supplement is reasonable. Regular discounts are offered. It might be helpful to stock up the supplements way before an infection occurs.


8) The supplement has no side effects, unlike oral medications which have serious side effects including liver damage in some cases. People with chronic diseases are especially prone to such side effects.


Final Thoughts

Toenail infections are common yet difficult to treat. Traditional toenail fungus treatments are costly and have adverse side effects. It is important to talk to a health specialist before undertaking any treatment. Supplements offer a way to effectively treat the cause of fungal infections. Restoration Toenail Fungus Treatment supplement has many benefits with no side effects. The supplement might be a good way to permanently treat a fungal infection.

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